DirectConnect 2024

7/28/2024 Portland

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0 days to go
Duration: 1 Day
Portland, United States
Oregon Convention Center


I am a Venue Professional
with new construction, expansion or renovation on the horizon.

The DirectConnect Hosted Buyer Program allows professionals who hold a senior level operations and/or purchasing position to attend VenueConnect complimentary while accomplishing their most important buying objectives for the coming year.

Venue professionals who apply and qualify as a DirectConnect hosted buyer receive:

  • One (1) complimentary registration to the VenueConnect 2024 Annual Conference and Trade Show
  • Two (2) complimentary hotel nights in a VenueConnect conference host hotel
  • Ten (10) 20-minute private meetings with IAVM Allied Member solution providers that meet their purchasing needs
  • Exclusive networking with fellow DirectConnect hosted buyers; and IAVM Allied Members.


DirectConnect Hours:

Sunday, July 28 from 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM. Breakfast and Lunch Provided.


I am an Allied Member
looking to reach pre-qualified customers.

Before the event even begins, the DirectConnect Hosted Buyer Program brings millions of dollars in venue spending to the VenueConnect Annual Conference and Trade Show!

As an Allied Member and participating DirectConnect host, your company will pre-schedule ten (10) 20-minute meetings allowing you to privately present your products and services to vetted buyers and decision-makers actively seeking to purchase your product or service type. 






Exhibiting Allied Members: $3,500
Non-Exhibiting Allied Members: $7,500