DirectConnect 2024

7/28/2024 Portland

Register now!
0 days to go
Duration: 1 Day
Portland, United States
Oregon Convention Center

Networking Made Easier

IAVM makes it easy to connect with other DirectConnect participants and pre-schedule face-to-face meetings.

Below are instructions for building your personal meeting schedule with participants who interest you.


Quick and Easy Registration

Your digital event business card

When registering as a DirectConnect participant, make sure you choose the correct participant category (Venue Professional or Allied Member) and agree to our privacy policy. Enter your company profile and personal data. In the networking profile, describe your purchasing goals and enter other relevant information in order to find the perfect networking matches amongst participants.

After successfully registering, you will receive an e-mail confirmation and can immediately start networking with other participants to schedule meetings.


Networking with Participants

Meetings are just a few clicks away

Our matchmaking algorithm will provide suggestions of potential meeting partners for you. You can use search features to filter specific participant types and save potential matches to your favorites list. Answer incoming requests by deciding whether you want to accept or decline meetings and fill up your DirectConnect schedule.

You can also send and receive private messages, block timeslots and update your public profile. We offer all the tools you need to expand your business network during DirectConnect.




Your Personal DirectConnect Program

A perfect event program - just for you

In our platform, you create your own meetings schedule.

Specify products and services you're seeking to purchase and our platform will provide suggestions as to the participants who match your goals best.